Thursday, July 30, 2015

Hacking in the Headlines

With the recent hack of online affair website Ashley Madison, cyber-crime is in the spotlight. However, it’s been an issue plaguing both companies and users for many years and one that shows no signs of halting.

Thanks to the increased fame of ‘hacktivists’ like the group Anonymous, who use hacking as a social justice tool, hacking is sometimes regarded as a method of extracting justice on corporations the public can’t touch.

Such is the case for Ashley Madison, who are now suffering a backlash that hinges on the negative perception of their website. To most, the hack is justified because their site promotes affairs.

Unfortunately, the idea of hacking being pro-public couldn’t be further from the truth. Despite high profile hacks against governments and businesses, the customer and average home user is still the main victim of cyber-crime. This was highlighted in 2014 when eBay was hacked and users had to change their passwords to prevent their accounts from being compromised.

Imprima. ‘Infographic: Hacking in the Headlines’. ©2015 Cyber Risk Network. 30 July 2015.

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