Monday, April 16, 2018

Structuring Multinational Insurance Programs for the Middle Market

Wednesday, May 2 at 11am EDT

The world has become a much smaller place and globalization is now a necessity for many small and mid-sized companies to remain competitive. For companies that do business in more than one country, every border presents a unique set of issues and challenges. Thus, insurance programs must be designed to respond in a way that is consistent with a company’s objectives no matter where in the world an exposure exists or a loss may occur. There is no one-size-fits-all approach.

On May 2 at 11 AM Eastern, join The Hartford’s Alfred Bergbauer, Lockton’s Bruce Cohen, and Advisen’s Josh Bradford as they discuss sophisticated multinational insurance solutions which were once reserved for the largest companies but are now available for the middle market.

This free, one-hour webinar is sponsored by The Hartford.

Advisen Ltd. May 2018. Structuring Multinational Insurance Programs for the Middle Market [Webinar].

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