Monday, April 30, 2018

Liability Risks of ICOs

Just a couple of years ago Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies were virtually unknown to most people. To the extent people were aware of them at all, they were seen largely as a mysterious form of money preferred for shady transactions. In the past year, Bitcoin has made headlines as an investment vehicle, though a highly volatile one. A single bitcoin was trading at nearly $20,000 in December, 2017 before plummeting to about $7,000 in February. As of April 25th, it was trading at $8,873.

Though derided by some experts as a bubble, or even a fraud, Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies have caught the attention of Wall Street. Cryptocurrency funds have been launched and cryptocurrency futures are now traded. Respected financial market analysts now follow the cryptocurrency market.

Dave Bradford. (2018, April 28). Liability Risks of ICOs [Blog].

This blog post in an excerpt of the original. The content originally appeared in Advisen Ltd. Blog Page.

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