Tuesday, May 15, 2018

Romaine Lettuce E. Coli Scare Latest Case Driving Product Recall Insurance Interest

Romaine lettuce, airbags, mobile phone batteries – these are just a few of the prominent product recalls that have occurred in recent years, driving businesses to become more prepared for the financial and reputational risks associated with defective, mislabeled, or otherwise problematic products.

Heightened attention from consumer groups and federal regulators mean information about product recalls spreads more quickly and authorities become involved in detecting problems sooner. The spike in product recalls also means that more businesses, particularly in the food and beverage industry, are looking for insurance solutions.

Erin Ayers, Romaine lettuce E. coli scare latest case driving product recall insurance interest (May 14, 2018).

This story in an excerpt of the original. The content originally appeared in Advisen Professional Front Page News.

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