Wednesday, March 14, 2018

Sexual Harassment in the Headlines Means More Attention on EPL Insurance

A rolling wave of sexual harassment accusations swept the nation during 2017, taking down major household names in entertainment, politics, and beyond. The focus on harmful behaviors, power dynamics in professional relationships, and long-hidden cultures of harassment has had wide-reaching impacts, launching the #MeToo movement and creating what is now being called “the Weinstein Effect.”

It has also prompted the question of whether increased attention would have an impact on the employment practices liability insurance space, as organizations realize that harassment and discrimination claims aren’t isolated to the rich and famous. Insurance professionals say that although the high-profile cases have brought some focus to the risk of workplace sexual harassment claims, they have not seen a corresponding flood of new applications for EPL coverage or higher limits bought by existing customers.

Erin Ayers, Sexual harassment in the headlines means more attention on EPL insurance (February 28, 2018).

This story in an excerpt of the original. The content originally appeared in Advisen Professional Front Page News.

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