Wednesday, January 10, 2018

Advisen Claims Satisfaction Survey Identifies Top Claims Handlers, Attributes

Advisen Ltd. recently announced the findings of the 2017 Claims Satisfaction Survey. The results of the survey are detailed in a report that identifies the carriers and TPAs with the highest quality claims services based upon a variety of claims handling “best practices.”

Input from 560 risk managers and brokers revealed FM Global, Chubb, Beazley, Gallagher Bassett, Travelers, and AIG as some of the highest-rated claims handlers. The survey highlights claims satisfaction in four lines of business: Property, Primary Casualty, Management/Professional Liability and Cyber.

Respondents identified expertise, good communication, accessibility, flexibility, and fairness as the top attributes brokers and insureds are looking for in an insurer/TPA.

Although generally satisfied with property claims handling, respondents said they would like better communication regarding timing and the schedule of work, flexibility with complex claims, online reporting, and after-hours services.

Advisen Ltd. (2018). Advisen Claims Satisfaction Survey Identifies Top Claims Handlers, Attributes [Press release]. Retrieved from Advisen Press Releases.

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