Wednesday, September 20, 2017

Equifax Breach Draws Public Ire Over Sensitive Financial Info Hacked

Equifax, one of the nation’s three major data collection agencies, announced on Sept. 7 that hackers accessed the private information of about 143 million individuals, including names, Social Security numbers, birth dates, addresses, and driver’s license numbers.

The firm learned of the breach on July 29, 2017. Regulatory filings show that three executives of Equifax —  John Gamble, chief financial officer, Joseph Loughran, US information solutions president, and Rodolfo Ploder, consumer information solutions president – sold a total of nearly $2 million in stock in early August. A representative of Equifax told various news outlets that the execs were unaware of the breach at the time of sale. Shares in Equifax dropped about 14 percent after the Sept. 7 breach announcement, per CNBC. A law firm in New York, Bronstein, Gewirtz & Grossman, LLC, announced it would launch an insider trading investigation into the execs’ sold shares.

Erin Ayers, Equifax breach draws public ire over sensitive financial info hacked (September 11, 2017), available with subscription at Advisen Cyber Front Page News.

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