Wednesday, May 17, 2017

Transaction Insurance Underwriting and the Terrifying Unknown

Underwriters can get comfortable with known issues in transaction insurance underwriting, but nothing is scarier than the unknown. This was the consensus of a panel of experts discussing M&A due diligence at Advisen’s Transaction Insurance Insights Conference in New York on April 20.

The panel said the explosion of representations and warranties insurance usage over the past few years has had an overall positive impact on the underwriting of deals.

“Because of the growth of the industry there is now a better understanding of our process,” said Jay Rittberg, managing principal, Euclid Transactional, LLC. “I think clients, brokers, and lawyers really have a good feel for what we are trying to accomplish through representations and warranties insurance due diligence underwriting. They have a sense that we are trying to find a good process, known issues, and that we are going to try to provide as broad coverage as possible.”

Josh Bradford, Transaction insurance underwriting and the terrifying unknown (April 25, 2017), available with subscription at Advisen Professional Front Page News.

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