Monday, March 20, 2017

Increase Underwriting Efficiency Without Sacrificing the Art

Webinar Date: Tuesday, April 18, 2017
11:00 AM ET

Is underwriting an art or a science? Both! Advisen’s new Underwriting Framework combines new technologies with proprietary loss data to make the review of potential red flags faster and more streamlined. While the art of underwriting will always center on interpreting known facts, the scientific aspect has been enhanced for more efficient review, quicker renewals, and the incorporation of best practices.

On Tuesday, April 18th at 11:00 AM ET, we will showcase how our state-of-the-art Underwriting Framework can impact your ability to quote/renew/decline. This free, 30-minute webinar will share how insurers are expediting individual submissions by leveraging company information, proprietary loss data, and third-party news sources. Whether you customize your own framework or use our standard templates, you’ll spend less time gathering company information and more time evaluating it for success.

Advisen Ltd. (2017). Increase Underwriting Efficiency Without Sacrificing the Art [Webinar].

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