Monday, February 6, 2017

Interest in Analytics Grows, But Lack of Understanding Hampers Adoption

“Within the insurance industry, the big data revolution is already underway,” said Suzanne Kinsler, MBA, research analyst at The Institutes and author of The Institutes’ survey. “Organizations have a responsibility to invest in and support employee knowledge and training in analyzing big data and modeling outcomes, not only to bridge traditional insurance practices and data science, but also to keep up with their competitors.”

Celent worked with The Institutes on a survey of over 2,000 insurer representatives. They found that more than half of insurance chief information officers expected “significant” investment in predictive analytics and business intelligence to assist in underwriting, claims, and more.

Erin Ayers, Interest in analytics grows, but lack of understanding hampers adoption (January 19, 2017), available with subscription at Advisen Professional Front Page News.

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