Monday, December 12, 2016

Think Tank Advises Next President to Take a Stand on Cyber

Acknowledging the leadership role that should be played by the federal government in cybersecurity, the Center for Long-Term Cybersecurity at University of California at Berkeley recently outlined a few recommendations for the administration taking office in January.

“In two months, a new President will take office. That President will face the most expansive cybersecurity agenda in our nation’s history,” commented the authors of the report. “Attacks on well-known companies, political organizations, and government agencies over the last year pose a fundamental question: can anyone really be confident in online security? If the answer is no, foundational elements of our economy and our society are at real risk. Because a loss of confidence could be nearly as damaging, the new administration cannot afford to wait. It will need to act quickly and decisively on cybersecurity as a major executive priority. And that administration needs new ideas to inspire new successes.”

Erin Ayers, Think tank advises next president to take a stand on cyber (December 1, 2016), available with subscription at Advisen Cyber Front Page News.

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