Friday, October 14, 2016

Healthcare: A Growing Cyber Sickness

October 2016

A number of reports have shown that cyber attacks are costing the healthcare industry billions of dollars annually. Criminals are increasingly going after medical records and healthcare databases owing to their value. Cyber security risks in healthcare have drawn attention to the vulnerability of hospitals, clinics, and other healthcare providers.

What was the frequency of Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act violations over the past five years? How much was the median loss in healthcare cyber attacks? What was the percentage increase of Protected Health Information (PHI) losses between 2006 and 2011 for printed records, servers, laptops, desktop, website, portable data storage device, and other sources?

This infographic, which forms part of a series of infographics released by Advisen and Hiscox, responds to these questions. It also looks into which revenue groups suffered more PHI losses, as well as the size of breaches that occurred more frequently.

Hiscox Ltd. Advisen Ltd. October 2016. Healthcare: A Growing Cyber Sickness. [Infographic].

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