Friday, August 5, 2016

Employee Theft Shatters Trust When Good Workers Go Bad: Hiscox

Employee theft can send an organization into turmoil, both financially and in terms of the trust businesses place in their workers, according to the 2016 Hiscox Embezzlement Study, which analyzed some of the reasons employees go bad and how companies can respond.

“Why do people steal from the hand that feeds them? The motivations of embezzlers are often different from those of other criminals. Perpetrators are often regular people who are smart, well-liked, and those you’d least expect to steal. How does a trusted employee turn into a criminal?” stated Hiscox in its report.

Erin Ayers, Employee theft shatters trust when good workers go bad: Hiscox (August 2, 2016), available with subscription at Advisen Professional Front Page News.

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