Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Bridging the Insurance/InfoSec Gap: The SANS 2016 Cyber Insurance Survey

Cyber security insurance has become increasingly popular as significant data breaches have become more common. Unlike other information security (InfoSec) preparations, however, the purpose of cyber insurance is not defense; rather, it is the transfer of financial risk to a third party. The field is young, dynamic and multifaceted. InfoSec professionals, underwriters and brokers each have different roles in negotiating or implementing policies, as well as different metrics with which to gauge the value of a cyber insurance contract.

In a recent report published by SANS, it was highlighted that conceptual gaps often make it difficult for members of the cyber security and cyber insurance communities to find a common basis on which to develop reasonable standards of security and insurability.

"Bridging the Insurance/InfoSec Gap: The SANS 2016 Cyber Insurance Survey" Advisen Ltd. 2016 21 Jun. SANS | PivotPoint Analytics. 2016.

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