Wednesday, March 9, 2016

When it Comes to Cyber Risk, Two Old Friends Need to Unite Again

There was a repeated theme at Advisen’s Cyber Risk Insights Conference: the symbiotic relationship of insurance and technology is needed once more.

Maybe it was the fact our conference was held at the same time as the RSA Conference down the street; maybe it was part of a natural understanding of the complex properties inherent to cyber risk; maybe it was the serendipity of these things converging all at once.

The tech community and the insurance community are no strangers to each other by any means but, judging from panels and conversations at the conference, there is a sort of disconnect in that these two friends are speaking different cyber-risk languages… maybe just different dialects.

Chad Hemenway, When it comes to cyber risk, two old friends need to unite again, Advisen News (March 8, 2016), available with subscription at Advisen Cyber Front Page News. Subscribe now!

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