Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Overcome by Cyber Risks?

January 2016

The Internet and related information and communications tools have delivered enormous benefits to the global economy. These gains, however, are expected to tail off as the technologies become more ubiquitous, while the costs and associated risks look set to rise. The million dollar question, then, is whether the costs outweigh the benefits and what we can do to ensure the best possible outcome.

Zurich Insurance Group and the Atlantic Council’s Brent Scowcroft Center on International Security teamed with the Pardee Center for International Future to conduct an extensive quantitative analysis of this issue. Their findings are published in a new report, Risk Nexus: Overcome by cyber risks? Economic benefits and costs of alternate cyber futures.

This content originally appeared in Advisen Ltd. To read the paper, you must download the Overcome by cyber risks? Report.

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