Monday, September 21, 2015

Female farmworkers in Fla. win $17M in harassment suit

A federal jury in Miami returned a unanimous verdict awarding a total of $17,425,000 to five former female employees of Moreno Farms Inc., a produce growing and packing operation in Felda, Fla., who suffered sexual harassment and retaliation, the EEOC said.

Two sons of the owner of Moreno Farms and a third male supervisor engaged in graphic acts of sexual harassment against female workers in Moreno Farms’ packaging house, including regular groping and propositioning, threatening female employees with termination if they refused the supervisors’ sexual advances, and attempting to rape, and raping, multiple female employees, according to the US Equal Employment Opportunity Commission.

Chapman, Cate. ‘Female farmworkers in Fla. win $17M in harassment suit’. ©2015 Advisen Ltd. 21 September 2015.

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