Thursday, June 4, 2015

Helpful Hacking — Efforts to Identify Security Flaws Increase

As it becomes clearer that anything can theoretically be hacked, security researchers have set out to warn businesses and individuals of the potential risks. However, views differ on whether security flaws in software or equipment should be widely broadcast, or even whether cybersecurity experts should be tampering with connected devices, planes, cars, or medical equipment to test them.

For example, Chris Roberts, the security researcher who was barred from boarding a plane after Tweeting about the numerous times he had hacked into airplane computer systems. Roberts and his attorneys at the Electronic Frontier Foundation claimed that his efforts had only been to improve airplane security.

Ayers, Erin. ‘Helpful hacking — efforts to identify security flaws increase’. ©2015 Advisen Ltd. 05 June 2015.

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